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Showing posts from August, 2012

Update about the Special Olympics Scarf Project

The  National Committee for  the  Special Olympics  has decided to discontinue the scarves program.     The program became so popular that donations outpaced the number of Special Olympics winter athletes and supporters. BUT several states   have decided to proceed on their own.  for info about which states are participating , including colors and where to send the scarfs.  you can click HERE  . Just click on their notes tab.  States NOT participating are:  Arizona,  California,  Connecticut,  Florida,  Georgia,  Hawaii,  Illinois,  Louisiana,  Massachusetts, << my home state Michigan,  Minnesota,  Missouri,  Montana  Nebraska,  Nevada,  New York,  North Carolina,  Oregon  Pennsylvania,  Virginia,  Wisconsin,  Wyoming; I am a New Englander so I will be making scarfs for the only NE state participa...

Crochet Corner - Crocheted Headband

I didnt use a pattern.  All I did was make a chain that would fit my head and double crochet until it was the width I wanted. Then on my small peach loom I made a flower.  This is my second  finished  crochet item. the other was the Star Stitch Headband .  My next project is awareness ribbon headbands ( made 2 ribbons so far) and tiny towels and I plan on crocheting some jewelry as well. But I am still a loom knitter at heart :)  I will loom big projects. Crocheting a scarf will take too long and hurt my hands ......   I hope you like the headband. It was fun to make.   If you have any questions , please comment below.  and as always..... 

Doing good pays off

I made these washcloths for House of Hope in Rhode Island.  They run the state’s largest men’s night to night shelter as well as two transitional shelter programs (one for men and one for women). I only made 3 for  the ravellenic games on Ravelry. Planning on making many more for House of Hope. 

Whoo hoo!! ANOTHER gold medal

This one is for Scarf Hockey. I started and finished this scarf Friday.  YAY.. go me!! 


YAY!!! ok.. everyone who finishes a project gets one...but still I am so HAPPY!!! Its a Swiffer Cover :)   Check it out on my facebook fan page