Welcome to the ravelry blog hub blog hop. I am a newbie to the group and I thought that we could have some fun.
Over the next 30 days me and other group members will attempt to finish our WIPs(works in progress) . I believe one member said she has a quilt wip that is 7 years old. :)
heres is the link to the ravelry group.
At the end of the 30 days, I will post my finished WIPs with a list of all other members so our readers can hop blog to blog. Please comment and follow who you like! :)
Come back on September 18th.
Thanks for getting this started Erin. I have a number of WIPs going and will put a post up today. I wonder if you know how to do the hashtag and event label on the posts so they can be searched on Google? I will follow the participants from the Ravelry group. Good luck!