February was a colorful month. On Valentines day the high was 10 degrees.
Look at that LAVENDER square ( 1st in row.) It was 64 on the first of FEBRUARY!
This was a cold week. Introducing Jade and Peacock. (The 2 end squares.)
Notice in the pic above( 3rd from left).... a LAVENDER square!! Another wonderful 60 degree day in FEBRUARY in RHODE ISLAND!! a day after we had a light snow flurry.
So the warmest for the month was 64 and the coldest was 10.
91 and above - Cream
81 - 90 Perfect Pink
71 - 80 Rouge
61 -70 Lavender
51 - 60 Orchid
41 - 50 Bright Orchid
31 - 40 Turquoise
21 - 30 Delft Blue
11 - 20 Jade
10 and below- Peacock
Snow days White
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